Prevent coffeescript method from adding a new element to a variable that called it
More about “Prevent coffeescript method from adding a new element to a variable that called it” related questions

Prevent CoffeeScript from referencing undefined (misspelled) global variables

I'm using CoffeeScript from inside Visual Studio with Web Essentials, which provides CoffeeScript support. I just started learning the language and I wonder one thing: Sometimes I misspell a varia...

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How to dynamically update a Jade element from client-side CoffeeScript?

I'm trying to dynamically update a table of values using SocketStream. I have a Jade template defining the table: app.jade: table thead tr th key th value tbody - var

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js function called twice (one in document ready, one after adding new dom element) executing twice times

I've a function with on click method. After clicking an element with a class name, i want to do something. i called that function in document ready. and with jquery append method a dom element is b...

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Coffeescript on click event not firing?

I am working on a Ruby on Rails project where clicking a link_to element on my view is supposed to trigger a method in my CoffeeScript, but the output is never printed! This is the relevant part o...

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Coffeescript: dynamically create instance of the class a method is called on

I am building a Node.js application using object oriented coffeescript. I have a super class with a static method like: class RedisObject @find: (id, cb) -> client.HGETALL "#{@className()...

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coffeescript, class undefined variable.

I don't quite understand the syntax in coffeescript for defining an instance variable. here's my scenario: I have an initializer and two classes, Calculations and Controller, Controller uses an

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Adding Typescript to Coffeescript

I have a build chain setup that will convert a file from coffeescript to typescript to javascript. My question is: what is the most minimally intrusive way to add type signatures to a coffeescript

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Prevent coffeescript from wrapping code into immediately invoked function

I've been going through coffeescript documentation and stackoverflow to find answer for my question to no avail. I have a javascript file containing just one literal object compiled from coffeescr...

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Can an Attribute be used to prevent a method from being called?

I'm trying to write a custom attribute that I can apply to methods that will prevent the method from being called when Transaction.Current is null. I currently have a basic attribute class that thr...

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ckeditor disable element, prevent user from adding content to it

I've added a plugin that allows the user to add a specially styled div via a dialog. The issue now is, this element should not be clickable inside the edtior. The problem is the users manage it to ...

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