How to filter query results based on selection from dropdown list
NickName:Madeva Reddy Ask DateTime:2015-06-11T12:48:35

How to filter query results based on selection from dropdown list

I have two tables: foodrequest and employeedetails. I am able to search the records from those tables, by date, based on a "FromDate" and "ToDate" values like this:

<cfset var qryFoodRequest = queryNew("")>       
<cfset var localData = structNew()>

<cfif (structKeyExists(Form,"Fromdatepicker") AND isDate(Form.Fromdatepicker) ) 
      AND (structKeyExists(Form,"Todatepicker") AND isDate(Form.Todatepicker) )>
    <cfset localData.frmDate = listGetAt(Form.Fromdatepicker,3,'/') & '-' & listGetAt(Form.Fromdatepicker,2,'/') & '-' & listGetAt(Form.Fromdatepicker,1,'/')>
    <cfset localData.toDate = listGetAt(Form.Todatepicker,3,'/') & '-' & listGetAt(Form.Todatepicker,2,'/') & '-' & listGetAt(Form.Todatepicker,1,'/')>

<cfquery name="qryFoodRequest" datasource="ebms"  cachedWithin = "#createTimeSpan(0,0,0,5)#">
    SELECT  e.FullName FullName
            , e.EmployeeCode EmployeeCode
            , e.DesignationName DesignationName
            , e.DateOfJoin DateOfJoin
            , e.DepartmentName DepartmentName
            , e.ManagerName ManagerName
            , e.ParentOffice ParentOffice
            , f.Requesttype Requesttype
            , f.Foodtype Foodtype
            , f.ReqDate ReqDate
            , f.remarks remarks
    FROM    foodrequest f INNER JOIN employeedetails e 
                 ON  f.EmployeeId = e.empId 

    <cfif structKeyExists(localData,"frmDate") AND structKeyExists(localData,"toDate")>
        AND f.ReqDate between ('#localData.frmDate#') and ('#localData.toDate#')
    order by e.empId;

<cfreturn qryFoodRequest>

But I am not able to search by employee. I.e. If I select any employee from a dropdown list, it will return their records only.

Can anybody help me on this?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Madeva Reddy」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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