get value of text field on node.js
NickName:fujitsu4 Ask DateTime:2015-06-11T13:21:13

get value of text field on node.js

I want to write a simple program only with node.js (I don't want to use angular or another js Framework) which contains a text field.

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Dave Pile 2015-06-11T05:49:28

Theres a few things wrong.\n\nBody Parser should be used like this\n\napp.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));\n\n\nYour form should specify the method\n\nmethod=\"post\"\n\n\nYour input element should use the name attribute as this is what gets passed to the server when the form is submitted\n\n <input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"inputphonenumber\" name=\"inputphonenumber\" \n\n\nput the closing form tag after the submit button\n\n<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Submit</button></form>\n\n\nDont write your html code as one big var :)",

Matt L 2015-06-11T05:29:46

This isn't so much a Node question as it is a Javascript question, as the part you need help with is executed on the client side. Take a look at this question: jQuery get textarea text. It seems to be exactly what you're looking for. I just want to add - you really should learn something like Express and its res.render() function using templates. Writing HTML and Javascript in Javascript is not a good way to accomplish what you want.",

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