Why won't my macro variable resolve?
NickName:Joe Ask DateTime:2015-01-14T23:16:17

Why won't my macro variable resolve?

I have a macro variable, &myvar, but it won't resolve when I try to put it in a data step variable. Why won't it, and what can I do to fix this?

%let myvar=Hello, world;
data _null_;
  put x=;

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Joe」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27946244/why-wont-my-macro-variable-resolve

Joe 2015-01-14T15:16:17

Macro variables in SAS won't resolve when they are in single quotes, '&myvar'. They need to be in double quotes, \"&myvar\", in order to resolve properly.\n\nIf you need to have single quotes and a resolved macro variable, you have a few options, but the simplest is:\n\n%str(%'&myvar.%')\n\n\nThe %' inside of %str will place a single quote character (or apostrophe) in the text string by itself without causing it to be quoted.\n\ndata _null_;\n x=\"%str(%'&myvar.%')\";\n put x=;\nrun;\n\n\nor\n\n%let myvar2 = %str(%'&myvar.%');\n",

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