UIImage(contentsOfFile:) returning nil despite file existing in caches directory
More about “UIImage(contentsOfFile:) returning nil despite file existing in caches directory” related questions

UIImage set image withfile in caches directory

I am getting nil image when i try to set image from local file path (Caches directory) file:///...... NSString* localImagePath=@"file:///Users/mac/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/...

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Memory Problems with UIImage(contentsOfFile)

I have a Collection View where i load some Images from my documents directory: func reloadNotesFromStore() { { let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "TaskDraw") let

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UIImage using contentsOfFile

I am using self.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "foo.png") to select and load images in an UIIMageView. I have the images in my app under the images.xcassets. The problem is that this particular...

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Loading file from Directory to UIIMAGE doesnt work

So i'm downloading an image using DownloadTask , and than save the image in the Cache Directory with name for my own uses : let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager() let doc...

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Not able to create files in caches directory

I'm trying to set up a caches directory for use in my app, but the files are not being created for a reason unknown to me. What am I doing wrong? Here are the methods I'm using: In class Utilities...

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UIImage imageNamed returning nil

UIImage imageNamed returning nil in xcode 6 on iphone 6 simulator.. but perfectly works on xcode 5 code: UIImage *img=[UIImage imageNamed@"img@2x~ipad"];

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Getting asset catalog path for image using UIImage(contentsOfFile:)

When you drag an image from the desktop into the asset catalog in Xcode, you can access that image in a project using: UIImage(named: "somePNG") But how do you access that image using UIImage(

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UIImage returns nil but exists

I have a problem in Swift. I try to load an image which is stored in the DocumentsDirectory but it returns nil. Here is the code: if NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(url!.path!) { ...

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can't get UIImage's init(contentsOfFile:) to work

I am trying to locate a file in a subdirectory of subdirectory of my bundle. I used this code to create an UIImage with init(contentsOfFile:). let resource = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(...

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How can I use UIImage(contentsOfFile:String) with image data downloaded from the internet?

I have an app which is loading a lot of image data from a web server. The data is being saved onto the ipad via: func saveParsedObject(objectToSave:AnyObject,dataCode:Int) { var path:S...

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