Launch minecraft forge 1.8.9 from the command line
NickName:Joe Jameson Ask DateTime:2022-07-04T08:41:33

Launch minecraft forge 1.8.9 from the command line

I am rather stumped on how to do this.

I have come across a python module to launch minecraft from a command line or wrather generate a command...

import minecraft_launcher_lib
import subprocess
import sys

lv = "1.8.9-forge-"
md = "C:\\Users\\*****\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft"
options = {
    "username": "rohwn",
    "uuid": "5a848c091a5f476ab94b4d09af4613cc",
    "token": "{Insert token here}"
minecraft_command = minecraft_launcher_lib.command.get_minecraft_command(lv, md, options)

This code works for versions of minecraft and forge > 1.12 but not for 1.12 and 1.8.9 I cannot seem to figure out why. I have also thought of using the minecraft launcher enter image description here

By changing the "Java Executable" to an exe that logs the arguments and runs minecraft but I cannot seem to do this nor have the expertise. (If someone could provide some code or something that could do that, that would be great!)

I have also seen commands that other people have created but still dont work for me. E.x

Launch Minecraft from command line - username and password as prefix

If someone could help me launch minecraft forge 1.8.9 from command line that would be great! Thanks (in advance)

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Joe Jameson」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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