Aurelia 1.0 routing configureRouter never called
NickName:Nico AD Ask DateTime:2016-09-02T22:01:31

Aurelia 1.0 routing configureRouter never called

I tried to follow some tutorials on routing like this one

I implemented a configureRouter method in my App class but it s never called


export class App {


        configureRouter(config, router){


          config.title = 'Aurelia';

              { route: ['','home'],  name: 'home',  
                moduleId: './components/home/home',  nav: true, title:'Home' },
              { route: 'about',  name: 'about',
                moduleId: './components/about/about',    nav: true, title:'About' }

          this.router = router;



            <li repeat.for = "row of router.navigation">
                <a href.bind = "row.href">${row.title}</a>


As far as I understand, the configureRouter method in app.js is supposed to be called automatically when router-view is detected in the template, but it s not the case (and I dont get any errors in chrome console)

Any ideas?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Nico AD」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

deviprsd 2017-02-08T20:25:16

I had a similar problem but turns out that if there is no <router-view></router-view> in the template the configureRouter method is never called. Even though you found your solution but maybe other people might find relief in this solution also \n\nSource:",

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