Minecraft Forge 1.8 - Loading Block Textures
NickName:MrStank Ask DateTime:2015-01-24T08:58:01

Minecraft Forge 1.8 - Loading Block Textures

I have just started learning Java while modding Minecraft. I have watched a tutorial on adding the blocks into the game using the Minecraft Forge API, but I have a problem. There is no longer the ".setBlockTextureName ()" method, so I don't know what to do. I have a simple block added into my game, but it has no texture and I want to add a texture to it. How would I do this for Minecraft 1.8?

P.S.: If this is a duplicate, I am sorry, I only saw questions about Minecraft mobs, not textures for 1.8 (keep that in mind, the Forge API for 1.8 is different than every other version), so I decided to ask myself.

If I need to clarify anything, please, let me know!

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「MrStank」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28121137/minecraft-forge-1-8-loading-block-textures

ArtOfCode 2015-03-17T21:03:43

Texturing is very different in 1.8. Here are some tutorials:\n\nUpdating Blocks;\nUpdating Items.\n\nFor both of the above:\n\n\nRemove any GameRegistry.registerBlock from the main mod class. These should now be in the block/item's constructor.\nAdd a private final name field and create a getter for it.\n\n\nFor blocks:\n\n\nIn src/main/resources/assets/{MODID}/models/block you will need 2 JSON files.\nThe first should be called {BLOCKNAME}.json and contain this:\n\n{\n \"parent\": \"block/cube_all\",\n \"textures\": {\n \"all\": \"{MODID}:blocks/{BLOCKNAME}\"\n }\n}\n\n\nThe second has the same name, goes in src/main/resources/assets/{MODID}/models/item, and has this code:\n\n{\n \"parent\": \"{MODID}:block/{BLOCKNAME}\",\n \"display\": {\n \"thirdperson\": {\n \"rotation\": [ 10, -45, 170 ],\n \"translation\": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ],\n \"scale\": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]\n }\n }\n}\n\nNow in src/main/resources/assets/{MODID}/blockstates, you need 1 more JSON file. With the same name, it should hold this code:\n\n{\n \"variants\": {\n \"normal\": { \"model\": \"{MODID}:{BLOCKNAME}\" }\n }\n}\n\n\n\nYou should replace {MODID} and {BLOCKNAME} with your mod's ID and block's name, respectively.",

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