Difference between Bluetooth and iBeacon protocols in iOS
NickName:Curnelious Ask DateTime:2016-11-14T01:43:30

Difference between Bluetooth and iBeacon protocols in iOS

I am integrating an iOS app with a Bluetooth chip. I am trying to understand the differences between a constant BLE connection and an iBeacon notifications in terms of the protocol.

So I am able to connect to the chip and send/recieve data from/to iPhone.

To communicate , you need 3 things :

  1. name
  2. service UUID
  3. characteristic UUID (to write and read from).

Then, when you want to register to a region of an iBeacon, you also need a UUID of the characteristic, but also major/minor values.

Thing is, all iBeacon apps will not detect this type of broadcast- the one I use for communication.

So, whats basically the difference in the protocol? what if I keep advertising the same service/char I use for regular communication? is it good also for beacon push notification ? apparently not- but whats the different?

Also, I have 2 hardware chips, both will not let you set a major/minor values, but only to update the characteristic to notify a new value to subscribers which is hex (not an integer like major/minor) - is that equivalent to an iOS push notification by iBeacon detection ??

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Curnelious」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40576863/difference-between-bluetooth-and-ibeacon-protocols-in-ios

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