Evaluate mysql date range
NickName:cent89 Ask DateTime:2015-09-02T16:35:50

Evaluate mysql date range

I have a mysql table with some date ranges, for example:

start: 2015-09-10 end: 2015-09-10

Now, I have to check if another date range is inside the start-end date, even if only for some days.

  1. 2015-09-02 -> 2015-09-03 is outside the range;
  2. 2015-09-05 -> 2015-09-11 is inside the range;
  3. 2015-09-11 -> 2015-09-12 is inside the range;
  4. ...

I have these query, it works for case 1 and 2:

SELECT * FROM prenotazione WHERE id_stanza=1 AND (start BETWEEN '2015-09-11' AND '2015-09-12' and end BETWEEN '2015-09-11' AND '2015-09-12' )

For the case 3, the query returns no result, even id the given date are inside the range. Can you help me?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「cent89」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32348326/evaluate-mysql-date-range

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