Can I run a private npm repository without replicating the public repository?
NickName:Quentin Ask DateTime:2013-01-31T00:42:01

Can I run a private npm repository without replicating the public repository?

I'm writing a number of pieces of code (for internal use) using node.js and want to store the modules (packaged up for npm) in a package repository for each distribution to the various machines they will be installed on.

Ideally, I'd like a solution similar to Debian's apt repositories in which I can run a private repository server and configure npm to use a list of repositories to install from (When installing "foo", if "foo" is known by my private server install it from there, otherwise install it from the public server).

However, it looks like the npm registry configuration key only accepts a single URL.

Is there a way to achieve what I want?

The closest I've been able to find have been:

  • Mirroring the public repository locally and adding my packages on top of it… but I don't want to keep that amount of data (2.5G and still downloading) replicated on AWS.
  • Hosting all my packages in git repositories and installing from there (which is more of a hassle).
  • Hosting static packages on HTTP (as far as I can tell, this would prevent me from automatically getting "the latest version". I suppose I could do something with symlinks, but that is still less flexible than git, requires full URLs (which need to be kept up to date), and doesn't give a searchable repository.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Quentin」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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David Weldon 2013-01-30T17:55:39

Based only on listening to a recent episode of NodeUp (#37?), I think you may want to have a look at irisnpm. From what I remember it's a service which gives you a merged set of the public modules and your own private modules.",

Paul Verest 2013-02-26T09:10:12

As Dominic Barnes suggested, we can replicate only _design documents (CouchDB table schemes)\n\nHow to replicate design documents only?\n\nHowever, it needs to check if some data needed.",

Pascal Belloncle 2013-01-30T20:48:29

In your package.json, you can use any url that points to a valid npm packed module. I use an s3 with a bucket name that is hard to guess.\n\nnpm pack\ns3cmd put *.tgz s3://path-to-your bucket\n\n\nS3 is just an example, you could use any mean that can place a file on a web server, it can even be protected via basic auth.",

user605331 2014-04-03T16:19:45

I believe Paypal's Kappa project would suit your need.\n\nHere is an article describing Paypal's Kraken project and how Kappa fits in.\n\nI understand it wasn't available at the time of Quentin's question, but perhaps this will be useful for others that come along here.",

xmojmr 2014-07-10T18:54:42

npm-registry-client GitHub issue #42 lists several ways how to create your own repository mirror. namely:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOverall it seems to me that you can get best answers by searching through issues in repositories owned by or by asking your question there",

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