How to capture non-integers in this Java program
NickName:Darren Estcourt Ask DateTime:2015-06-11T06:33:30

How to capture non-integers in this Java program

How do I add a try-catch piece of code to stop someone from entering chars or, as a matter of fact, anything other than an int from 1 - 5?

boolean valid;
int option = 0;

do {
    Scanner in = new Scanner(; // need try catch
    option = in.nextInt();

    valid = option > 0 && option < 6; // try / catch needed around here?

} while(!valid); // stop chars and strings being entered
// I want to stop the user entering anything other than an int 1-5

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Darren Estcourt」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Skaros Ilias 2015-06-10T22:42:30

if you need that number to check which option the user entered you dont need to do that. all you have to do is change the option variable from int to String and your if statements from\nif(option==1) to if(option.equals(\"1\"))\n\nif you are going to need real ints for real mathematical equations then Sheetals answer will be more appropriate, but for a menu input, Strings are just fine.\n\n\n\ndont forget that you can have String comparison with that contain numbers\n\"1\"<\"2\" is true",

Arun Kumar 2015-06-11T14:33:38

Use string to enter the choice and then parse it using Integer.parseInt() function.\n\nScanner in = new Scanner(; \nString choice =;\ntry{\n int intChoice = Integer.parseInt(choice);\n if(choice > 5){\n throw new Exception(\"Can't be more than 5\");\n }\n}catch(Exception e){\n System.out.println(e.printStackTrace);\n}\n",

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