paper-ripple is listening to click events outside of its container
NickName:Derek 朕會功夫 Ask DateTime:2015-06-11T06:40:39

paper-ripple is listening to click events outside of its container

I'm trying to create a simple ripple effect for a card in my app. It works great, but it is also responding to mouse events outside of its container:

enter image description here

Code looks like this:

            <div class="wrapper">...</div>

I don't quite see why it is behaving this way. Any idea?


This whole page is an independant dom-module. Apparently using paper-ripple in such a fashion causes this to happen. How do I fix this?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Derek 朕會功夫」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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