How to format whole column for an excel using axlsx (ruby)
NickName:ela Ask DateTime:2015-06-11T08:14:27

How to format whole column for an excel using axlsx (ruby)

I am pretty new to ruby and trying to format all columns generated to text for the excel file. I have got a function as below

def writeXlsx(columnNames, templateName)
        @xlsx =              # create xlsx doc
        @xlsx.use_autowidth = true
        @xlsxSheet = @xlsx.workbook.add_worksheet(:name => templateName)
        @unlocked = @xlsx.workbook.styles.add_style(:locked => false)       
        @xlsxSheet.add_row columnNames, :types => string

        @xlsx.serialize(File.join(@outputFolder, "#{templateName}.xlsx"))


this errors out saying col_style undefined method. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? -ela

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