iOS auto layout ios7 vs ios8
NickName:Ted Ask DateTime:2015-04-07T01:28:39

iOS auto layout ios7 vs ios8

What exactly are the improvements in auto layout ios 7 and ios 8?

My app is working fine in ios 8 but has different behavior in ios7. Constraints are breaking in ios 7 after loading views multiple times.

I want to know what are the things that ios 8 now handles which ios7 autolayout cannot do before.

Like how iOS 7 and iOS 8 handles "manually added subviews" with autoresizing masks ( Flexible width and Flexible height )


**im not using size classes and relative to margin

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Ted」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

Rahul Mayani 2015-04-06T17:35:19

Working with autolayout in iOS 7 and iOS 8 is the same. Adaptive layout is really just an umbrella term for all the new layout tools in Xcode 6 and iOS 8-- one of which being Autolayout. Though autolayout isn't new, it's still a part of the adaptive layout toolset, and it's much improved in iOS 8. Other adaptive layout tools include Size Classes and Adaptive Fonts. I recommend reading this Ray Wenderlich article that has some examples of the new tools:",

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