Multiple Command line arguments in C
NickName:mjones Ask DateTime:2015-01-19T04:49:43

Multiple Command line arguments in C

I am wondering the best way to process multiple command line arguments. I have seen command line arguments done with switch and case statements like this:

while ((x = getopt(argc, argv, "bic:")) != -1){
switch (x){
  case 'b':
    //do something
  case 'i':
    //do something
  case 'c':
    //do something

This works fine. However, It doesn't lend itself very well to working with multiple command line arguments. For the project I'm working on if I enter multiple arguments I would want that to be a combination of the two cases, if that makes sense. So the division between cases is a bit annoying... I guess I could make separate cases for each combination, like case: 'ib' or case: 'ibc' But is there a simpler solution?

Also, I am trying to find a solution where it doesn't matter the order of arguments entered. a.out -b -c should be the same as a.out -c -b

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