Function return a function that returns a function
NickName:Rien Ask DateTime:2014-12-30T20:46:46

Function return a function that returns a function

I would like to have a function returning a function that returns a function with the same signature as the first function. I.e. the function should be able to provide itself as a return value.

Is this possible in swift?

Example (this does not compile!):

typealias nextStep = ((char: CChar) -> nextStep)

func process(char: CChar) -> nextStep {...}

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Rien」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Airspeed Velocity 2014-12-30T14:08:31

Thomas's answer should work, but if you want a more typesafe alternative:\n\nstruct F {\n let f: (Character) -> F\n}\n\nfunc f(ch: Character) -> F {\n println(\"I've been called with an \\(ch)!\")\n return F(f: f)\n}\n\nlet g = f(\"a\")\nlet h = g.f(\"b\")\nh.f(\"c\")\n",

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