Twitter query result returns only 15 tweets
NickName:emily Ask DateTime:2013-12-31T10:13:28

Twitter query result returns only 15 tweets

I'm using the twitter api in java to query tweets containing certain hashtags.


Query query = new Query("%23superbowl since:2013-12-21");
QueryResult result;
result =;
List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();

Array size is only 15. How do I change the max number of tweets returned?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「emily」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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dhamibirendra 2013-12-31T02:19:00

You can set count in your query as:\n\nquery.setCount(100);\n\n\nBut remember, as per Twitter4j doc it allows max up to 100 only. You can check it here",

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