Can Can with Role Model restriction
NickName:Mini John Ask DateTime:2013-12-02T17:10:03

Can Can with Role Model restriction

I'm Trying to achieve that the user can see only HIS applications, and not the "Application Index" containing all the applications from all Users.

My Header:

 <%= link_to "My Application ", current_user.application %>

My Abilities:

 if user.has_role? :speaker
  can :read, Application do |application| # heres the problem
    application.try(:user) == user
  can :create, Application
  can :update, Application do |application|
    application.try(:user) == user

Currently the User can access the Application/Index page. But the restriction should give him only access to:

http://localhost:3000/applications/8 # 8 being his application

What am i missing ?

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