Crash Log on Windows Phone 7 device
NickName:Jirapong Ask DateTime:2010-11-30T18:07:55

Crash Log on Windows Phone 7 device

I don't have a WP7 device yet. Everything is functional in My App on a Simulator, but when my customer test it, app does not function at all. e.g. VDO is not playing.

Is there a way to get a crash log from Windows Phone 7? (like iPhone).

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Jirapong」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Francesco De Vittori 2010-11-30T11:10:49

You can easily create your own crash report. Basically this is what you have to do:\n\n\nIn your App class add an handler for the UnhandledException event\ninside the handler prepare a log with everything you need (stacktrace, memory allocated, etc.)\nuse an email composer Task to send the report.\n",

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