JTA aware JDBC connection pools
NickName:Dev Ask DateTime:2011-01-15T12:03:24

JTA aware JDBC connection pools

I've been looking at a number of JDBC connection pools, but I have the specific requirement that the pool needs to be JTA aware, which leaves me with a short list of Apache DBCP and OW2 XAPool. The other pools I looked (c3p0, Proxool, BoneCP) at did not appear to satisfy the JTA requirement.

Does anyone have a recommendation about either XAPool, DBCP, or a connection pool I have not mentioned here?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Dev」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4697919/jta-aware-jdbc-connection-pools

gargii 2011-11-30T12:59:52

Some standalone transaction managers like Atomikos or Bitronix have their own integrated connection pool. Such a pool is JTA compliant and would solve your problem.\n\nRecently I was facing the same problem and finally I ended up with Bitronix and its integrated connection pool. It works well.",

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