Dropwizard-swagger with Dropwizard 1.3
NickName:user_mda Ask DateTime:2018-04-12T02:58:25

Dropwizard-swagger with Dropwizard 1.3

I am using the dropwizard-swagger dependency with Dropwizard 1.3 as follows


From the docs , it looks like this is the only compatible version . However I run into an issue

ClassNotFoundException: org.zeroturnaround.javarebel.ClassEventListener

From some research it looks like this is coming from a glassfish dependency, I dont seem to find anything that brings in this dependency. Wat have I missed?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「user_mda」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49782606/dropwizard-swagger-with-dropwizard-1-3

krister 2018-05-12T08:17:20

After digging into the source code of: dropwizard-swagger I found that in versions hihger than 1.1.0-1 they introduced BeanConfig. BeanConfig scanns all classes (not only the ones you set as resource packages) and tries to create class objects for them. \n\nThe \"problem\" is that there are plenty of classes in the resulting shaded jar that are using import statements of classes that are not provided/used by your (or alt least mine) dropwizard application.\n\nSimple solution: roll back to dropwizard-swagger version 1.1.0-1\ndrawback: you are limited to an older swagger version\n\nhard solution: figure out which dependencies are pulling in classes that are using imports to the classes that are failing during dropwisard app start \n\nNOTE!\nI'm using dropwizard-bom and I don't have any strange dependencies",

Arie 2018-12-07T19:17:50

For me excluding org.reflections solved the issue...\n\n<dependency>\n <groupId>com.smoketurner</groupId>\n <artifactId>dropwizard-swagger</artifactId>\n <version>1.3.5-3</version>\n <exclusions>\n <exclusion>\n <groupId>org.reflections</groupId>\n <artifactId>reflections</artifactId>\n </exclusion>\n </exclusions>\n </dependency>\n",

Mehul Gupta 2019-09-06T10:27:39

I have used swagger for documentation and this works for me..\n\n <groupId>com.smoketurner</groupId>\n <artifactId>dropwizard-swagger</artifactId>\n <version>1.3.12-1</version>\n <exclusions>\n <exclusion>\n <groupId>org.glassfish.hk2.external</groupId>\n <artifactId>javax.inject</artifactId>\n </exclusion>\n </exclusions>\n </dependency>```\n",

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