Generic function and index types
NickName:rssfrncs Ask DateTime:2018-11-14T19:58:54

Generic function and index types

I'm looking to implement a generic function which accepts a single type argument "T" which is an object. It uses keyof T to specify the first argument to the function "property". Now the part I can't get working, I want to use the type of T[typeof property] to specify the type of the second argument to the function "value".

This gets me close to the ideal usage,

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

function filter<T>(property: keyof T, value: T[typeof property]) {

 return `${property} ${value}`


filter<Person>("name", 123);

With the above we get type checking for the "property" argument, correctly restricting it to only "name" or "age". Unfortunately for the value argument it accepts either a number or string, so it seems to be creating a union of all the keyof types of Person.

Any ideas?

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Titian Cernicova-Dragomir 2018-11-14T12:05:26

You need to create a relation between the two parameters, after all you could potentially be passing in multiple keys, and multiple values, why would the compiler asume that value should have the type of the key specified in the property parameter.\n\nTo create the relation you will need an extra type parameter to represent the property as a literal type \n\nfunction filter<T, K extends keyof T>(property: K, value: T[K]) {\n return `${property} ${value}`\n}\n\nfilter<Person, \"name\">(\"name\", 123); // error\nfilter<Person, \"age\">(\"age\", 123); // ok\n\n\nThe problem with the above implementation is that you have to specify the additional type parameter since typescript does not support partial type inference. (Hopefuly it will soon be possible as this issue proposes, it's slated for January 2018 but is has been pushed back several times)\n\nTo fix this inconvenience we can create a function that returns a function and fix the T parameter in the first call and let K be inferred in the second call \n\nfunction filter<T>() {\n return function <K extends keyof T>(property: K, value: T[K]) {\n return `${property} ${value}`\n }\n\n}\nfilter<Person>()(\"name\", 123); // error\nfilter<Person>()(\"age\", 123); // ok\n\n\nOr depending on what you plan to do with filter you can leave the function with two type parameters and use the return type as the source for the inference of T:\n\nfunction filter<T, K extends keyof T>(property: K, value: T[K]) {\n return `${property} ${value}` as IFiler<T>\n}\n\ntype IFiler<T> = string & { _isFilterFor: T } \nclass Query<T> {\n addFilter(f: IFiler<T>) {\n\n }\n}\n\nvar q = new Query<Person>();\n// T will be inferred to Person in filter because we assign in to a parameter expecting IFilter<Person>\nq.addFilter(filter('age', \"\")) //error \nq.addFilter(filter('age', 12)) //ok \n// Same as above but assigning to a variable:\nvar f: IFiler<Person> = filter('age', 12);\nvar f2: IFiler<Person> = filter('age', \"12\");\n",

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