What is the correct way of using Bluebird for Mongoose promises?
NickName:Özgür Uysal Ask DateTime:2016-11-11T23:50:56

What is the correct way of using Bluebird for Mongoose promises?

I've been reading documentaion and articles and everyone seems to describe a different way about using Mongoose and Bluebird together. Even the official Mongoose documentation says something and Bluebird documentaion says another thing.

According to Mongoose:

mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');

According to Bluebird:

var Promise = require("bluebird");

So to my understanding, if you pick the Mongoose way a sample query would be like:

        // do stuff
        // handle error

But also in Mongoose docs it says that:

Mongoose queries are not promises. However, they do have a .then() function for yield and async/await. If you need a fully-fledged promise, use the .exec() function.

So in this case, is .then above a promise or not?

If you go with Bluebird way:

        // do stuff
        // handle error

Or maybe even skip execAsync() and start with findByIdAsync instead.

Really confused with different documentaion. I'd appreciate if someone can shed some light into this.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Özgür Uysal」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40551550/what-is-the-correct-way-of-using-bluebird-for-mongoose-promises

robertklep 2016-11-26T20:23:10

Choose the Mongoose way:\n\nmongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');\n\n\nThat's because Mongoose already supports promises (besides also accepting callbacks); the above code just replaces Mongoose's own promise library (mpromise) by Bluebird (which is probably faster, better tested, and has more utility functions available).\n\nBluebird's promisify*() is meant to allow code that doesn't already use promises (purely callback-based functions) to return promises.",

stasovlas 2016-11-22T19:14:58

From Bluebird doc \n\nPromise.promisifyAll(\n Object target,\n [Object {\n suffix: String=\"Async\",\n multiArgs: boolean=false,\n filter: boolean function(String name, function func, Object target, boolean passesDefaultFilter),\n promisifier: function(function originalFunction, function defaultPromisifier)\n } options] ) -> Object\n\n\nas you can see, by default, promisifyAll add suffix 'Asyns', so if you are using this way of promisification:\n\nvar Promise = require(\"bluebird\");\nPromise.promisifyAll(require(\"mongoose\"));\n\n\nthe async version of User.findById will be User.findByIdAsync\n\nwhat about mongoose.Promise\n\nthen you use promise library like \n\nmongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');\n\n\nbuilt-in promise mechanism replaced by library: query.exec().constructor replaced by require('bluebird') so instead .exec() for return promise, you can use bluebird probabilities directly for mongoose queries like \n\nUser.findOne({}).then(function(user){\n // ..\n}) \n",

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