Running the hive queries from a file through code via sparkcontext or hivecontext (not through command line)
NickName:Siva kumar Ask DateTime:2016-11-19T20:40:26

Running the hive queries from a file through code via sparkcontext or hivecontext (not through command line)

Consider there are few hive queries in a file, my moto is to run the file using hivecontext or sparkcontext

Using command line I can do that by hive -f 'filepath/filename' But I have to run it via code (hivecontext or sparkcontext) Can anybody help on this?

For a single query I can use:


But I have to run a file which is having queries.

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A. BENCHAMA 2017-09-07T09:45:34

You can do it using Spark/Scala:\n\nqueryFile = \"path_of_your_file_queries\"\nSource.fromFile(queryFile, \"utf-8\").getLines().foreach(query => sparksql.sql(query))\n",

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