Unable to run a octave function using oct2py through the web server
NickName:amathur Ask DateTime:2016-11-20T23:07:07

Unable to run a octave function using oct2py through the web server

I am using oct2py to call a octave function in my python code. The file is saved as .py file in the htdocs folder.

import cgi
import oct2py
from oct2py import octave
print('<!DOCTYPE html>')

The code works well when executing from the terminal and gives the answer. But when I call it through the web, the oct2py gives an error stating

OSError: Octave Executable not found, please add to path or set"OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE" environment. 

Please suggest a way out so I can call the function from octave. The octave function is just multiplying the numbers.

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Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40705604/unable-to-run-a-octave-function-using-oct2py-through-the-web-server

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