Making a script run in the background
NickName:WholesomeGhost Ask DateTime:2016-11-20T23:36:01

Making a script run in the background

I made a python script and it should run all the time on my computer but I want it to be hidden. How can I hide the console so that the user doesn't have to see it in his taskbar the entire time?

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Joshua Nixon 2016-11-20T16:00:05

I cannot comment as < 50 rep :/\n\nSave the python file as .pyw (This removes the console)\n\nFile will run without the console 'hiding' it\n\nClose it by using Taskkill or task manager\n\nEDIT\nIf you want the program to launch on start up, put a shortcut or the file in the startup file\n\nTo get there go to run (Window + R)\n and type shell:startup\n\nCopy your file into the directory",

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